Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

The second-to-last Page on The Internet..

06.12.2004 13:40 - You Can\'t Have That

I have the sneaking suspicion Her Maj has bought my Xmas present, and is trying to get me to \"decide\" on it now she\'s bought it.

Her Maj: What do you want for Xmas?

Me: A digital camera.

Her Maj:That\'s too expensive.

Me:You can get a Kodak like your brothers for 88 Euro.

Her Maj:But that\'s a year old.

Me:I don\'t care, it\'s good enough.

Her Maj:But it won\'t be good enough in a year\'s time - I know you.

Me:It WILL be good enough in a year\'s time.

Her Maj:Well I\'m not getting one. What about something else?

Me:How about a DVD?

Her Maj:No, we never have time to watch any DVDs these days. Besides, we can rent from the shop on the corner.

Me:Alright, but we never get round to joining. CD then?

Her Maj:You never listen to the ones you\'ve got and you have too many anyway.


Her Maj:You have too many.

Me:I don\'t know, then.

Copyright © 2003-2011 Steve Dix