Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

This is what happens if you don't apply yourself at school, kids.

20.05.2007 11:07 - Songs For Gay Dogs

We didn't get a record player until 1972, and it was a huge sideboard-sized affair with big coke-bottle valves and one single speaker, which had heard about the idea of treble but wanted no truck with it. This was bought second-hand from my uncle.

Amongst the tedium we inherited from him ("Intoxicating Pearl Bailey" being representative of practically the most boring record collection I have ever witnessed) was a record called "Songs for Gay Dogs" - nothing to do with canine homosexuality, although everything to do with crude songs sung by the armed forces.

It was an education for me and my sister.

Other kids sang soppy Marc Bolan stuff or Slade, but me and my sister knew some of the most foul ditties ever committed to wax (even though they were probably cleaned-up for the record). Songs such as "virgin sturgeon" (the fish, not the science-fiction author), "Foggy foggy dew" (which was a bit subtle even by the standards of the record) and the epic "Don't use the WC whilst the train is standing in the station".

Needless to say, it conferred a certain amount of popularity from our peers, and screams of horror from their parents.

The record, unsurprisingly, got broken by my father, "by accident".

Fools. It's worth something like 200 pounds on the second-hand collectors market now.

UPDATE: And here is the cover :

Copyright © 2003-2011 Steve Dix