Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

It's not just the times, it's the species.

17.01.2004 17:09 - Games Domain is no more...

I used to work for the company that did Gamesdomain.

Recently I was in contact with a friend who still remains there - they were sold off by the original owners, Attitude Networks, to British Telecom.  Well BT have only gone and sold them to Yahoo.  Yahoo, being Yahoo, have just bought the name and are closing the office in Aston.  Everyone is being \"redeployed\" to BT, except one staff member who is going over to Yahoo.

So it looks like the end of an era.  It was a fun place to work, with daily lunchtime network sessions on the latest fab games that had come through the door.  I don\'t miss it that much but I feel sorry that it\'s been swallowed up like just so many other websites to become another corporate brand.

Gamesdomain, R.I.P.


Copyright © 2003-2011 Steve Dix