Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

Googling for Norks since 2003

11.11.2007 16:33 - Absolute Disaster

My trip to the UK has been an absolute disaster.

First of all, I went to the curry night for the UKMG meet.  A good time was had by all.  Unfortunately, whilst I returned to my parents, my friends, who returned to the Park Inn Hotel in Telford, had a problem with the local knuckle-draggers.  I didn't find out about the subsequent cancellation until I arrived at the hotel.  I went home, feeling somewhat the worse for wear by now.  This turned out to be the curry making itself felt.  It continued making itself felt for the rest of the day, in a rather violent and messy manner.  Suffice to say, I suppose I was lucky the meet was cancelled, otherwise I'd have been projectile-vomiting elsewhere than in the comfort of my parent's lavatory.

Can't wait for the next one.


Copyright © 2003-2011 Steve Dix