Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

I was a pilot in the USAF until I discovered that God was an egg in my lunchbox. So I ate him.

13.11.2004 21:09 - Goodbye iTunes

Itunes is gone.

It\'s one of the most obnoxious pieces of software I\'ve ever tried after Realaudio, doubtless due to Quicktime wanting to \"own\" everything audio on your computer. Secondly, it has \"issues\" with going through a firewall with IP-masquerading. This issue is that if you try and get to Apple to create an account by clicking on sign in -> create account, it sits there, trying to connect, and WILL NOT STOP, even if you exit iTunes. It leaves a big chunk of itself in memory and slows the computer right down.

After various experiments, I have decided I can well do without it and have uninstalled it. I am sick of having to reboot a computer rendered unstable by iTunes.

So much for the digital music revolution.

Copyright © 2003-2011 Steve Dix