Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

Googling for Norks since 2003

29.11.2004 14:32 - Baggage Woes part 2

Back in Germany ...and nackered, with a rotten cough that\'s trying to turn into a chest infection.

The Easyjet flight was delayed for an hour due to baggage problems.  There was apparently some unaccounted baggage, and it remained unaccounted-for until we all trooped out of the plane, and identified our baggage, which had been unpacked for this purpose.  The Hostess argued that we couldn\'t take off with unaccounted baggage due to the current security situation.

The unaccounted package was a Roberts Radio. 

After an hour the prat who owned it finally remembered it was his. wasn\'t me, just in case you\'re thinking it was.  I didn\'t get searched this time as my footpedals were safely in my suitcase.

Copyright © 2003-2011 Steve Dix