Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

The No.1 Search-Engine Result for 'Naked Hoovering'

15.11.2004 14:05 - Creative High

This weekend was somewhat of a creative high. Normally I struggle to come up with a Snorty cartoon, but this week, with a two-week break on the horizon, I had to come up with three. Which I did. You can see one of them at the website, but you\'ll have to wait a week respectively to see the other two. I also rewrote the messy code that produces the RSS files for this site. It\'s still messy, but not as messy as it used to be.

Firefox 1.0 still continues to please. Latest features noticed : the search toolbar that pops up when you want to search through a page, the URL window background going yellow when you\'re in https, the popup blocker line that appears at the top of the page if anything has tried to launch, and last, but not least, the fact that the RSS bookmarks update with the favicon of a site when you\'ve read them. This means that when you have read the last few entries in this blog, you get a neat little Sinistrals handprint, or if you read Snorty, a Mini, next to the entry in the bookmark.

Copyright © 2003-2011 Steve Dix