Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

The No.1 Search-Engine Result for 'Naked Hoovering'

10.02.2006 19:45 - As If The Breast Warts Weren't Bad Enough

I was in the kitchen at (former) work one day, talking to a lady Doctor colleague of mine, whilst making tea. She had to leave, as her boss, known as "7of9" due to her pleasant and sunny disposition (or lack of it), had come in and given her a bit of a glare. As she left, another workmate, on watching her receding hindquarters, exclaimed "Was für ein knackiges Arsch!"

This, translated roughly, means "a nice arse". Translated literally, means "a crunchy bottom", which took me a bit by surprise. I mean, the last thing you want is a crunchy bottom. It sounds as though the Psoriasis is getting out of control.

Fortunately for him, he wasn't heard by Frau Doktorin.


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