Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

Have you EVER tried restringing a left-handed electric 12?

05.01.2008 00:14 - Morbid Curiosity

I must admit, however disgusted I am with the sensationalist behavior of the Tabloids, to a rather morbid curiosity about Britain's most recent pop-star products : to whit : Amy Winehouse and Pete Docherty.  I mean, you have to wonder if it's all some sort of cunningly-planned media campaign, don't you?  Especially as they seem to be determined to see how low they can go.  Poor old Robbie Williams just hasn't got the gumption to compete - when last seen he was wrestling with a painkiller addiction - to measly little prescription drugs, for heaven's sake!  All this whilst Amy and Pete are busily dissolving their septums, and actually cashing in on their own notoriety by selling personal stuff to the tabloids when the marching powder reserves get a bit low.

No, my curiosity is limited to the following : What would happen if they ever meet?  Would they cancel each other out, or even worse, reproduce?  Or would the room just implode due to the sudden vaccuum as they both simultaneously start snorting?



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