Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

Foraging for food in the bins beside the Information Highway.

18.01.2008 19:58 - Pie While They Die

My father has been doing a lot of research into our family tree, and has come up with the amazing fact that one of our ancestors actually used to keep a Butcher's shop in Stafford in the 17th Century.  It was apparently where the Chains pub is now.  But what is really interesting, is that he had the sole rights to sell pies at any hangings that took place in the nearby Stafford Jail.

I'll repeat that.

He used have a pie-stall at the local executions.  

It was apparently a very profitable, not to mention frequent, business, due to the local Magistrate being somewhat of a Blood-and-Thunder send-em-to-their-maker type.

Copyright © 2003-2011 Steve Dix